Painting Illusion

Monday, October 1, 2012

Top Three Essential Acrylic Mediums for the Beginning Artist

The Essential Acrylic Mediums for the Beginning Artist are the ones that will be used with each painting. Once these acrylic mediums are used, the acrylic artist will come to rely on their consistent effects.

Acrylic Gesso - Acrylic Gesso is typically a white, opaque liquid mixture used as a absorbent primer or coat for your canvas.  It works to coat, or prime, the painting support. Acrylic Gesso is heavy -bodied and can also serve as an underpainting. Today, lots of ready-made, stretched canvas comes already coated with acrylic  gesso. And some pre-framed canvases come "pre-primed". 
Although usually white, Gesso also comes in other colors too, such as black, blue, gray, gold, red ... even clear.

Retarder - Retarder is an absolute essential acrylic medium. The acrylic retarder actually slows down the drying time of the paint. To maintain the integrity of the acrylic paint, use no more than 15% of the retarder, in relation to the amount of paint. One or two drops is usually enough reatarder to keep the paint wet.

Acrylic Flow Release or Acylic Flow Enhancer - Either of these products will help the paint move more easily on the canvas. Certain acrylic colors will need the addition of acrylic flow release more than others. It is effective for achieving rich stains on a porous surface. It is also useful for wet-in-wet techniques and reducing skinning on the palette.